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Flenniken Dentistry Blog

The Step-by-Step Process of Getting Veneers

December 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drflenniken @ 6:46 pm
Young adult with a beautiful smile

No matter how diligent you are with your oral hygiene, it can be hard to get a perfect smile. It’s even harder if you haven’t always been on top of your oral healthcare and are dealing with some serious cosmetic flaws. That’s where veneers come in. In as little as two appointments, your cosmetic dentist can give you the straight, symmetrical, and perfectly white smile of your dreams. But what does that process entail? If you’re curious, here’s a rundown of what it takes to get porcelain veneers, step-by-step.


Can Turmeric Really Whiten Teeth?

November 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drflenniken @ 2:01 am

Spoon of turmericTeeth come in a variety of tones and shades naturally, and it is normal for them to change color over the years. If your pearly whites aren’t as bright as they used to be, turmeric is a popular remedy for a bright smile, but is it safe? Here are a few things you should know before using turmeric for teeth whitening. 


What to Expect After Getting a Root Canal

October 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drflenniken @ 9:24 pm

Root canal on infected tooth25 million root canals are performed annually to save damaged teeth. Although they are common, root canals are is only recommended to prevent further damage or decay that warrants an extraction down the road. Unfortunately, the procedure gets a bad reputation for being painful, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Anesthetics make the procedure pain-free, so you won’t feel anything during your appointment. However, you might have some discomfort during your recovery. Here’s what you can expect after getting a root canal. 


Just How Does Your Dentist Color-Match Your Crown?

September 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drflenniken @ 9:27 am
A dentist using a shade guide to color-match a dental crown

As you might know, a dental crown can improve your smile’s look. After all, it restores the treated tooth after the latter suffers a crack, fracture, or other injuries. That said, this cosmetic benefit stems from more than just rebuilt structure. It ultimately depends on your dentist color-matching the crown to your enamel. Otherwise, the final result would be a whole tooth that doesn’t fit with the others. To learn more, here are three ways dentists ensure your crown is well-colored for your smile.


Is a Black Line Forming Around Your Dental Crown?

September 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drflenniken @ 7:49 am
3D illustration of a dental crown

So, let’s say you’ve noticed an issue with one of your tooth restorations. In particular, there’s a black line around your dental crown. Should you be worried that it’s a sign of an oral health problem? Not really — the black line is likely a cosmetic problem caused by your crown’s materials. That said, you can have it fixed by switching to a metal-free restoration. If that piques your interest, your Carlisle dentist is here to tell you more. Read on to learn why some crowns develop black lines and how a new, porcelain one will help.


Root Canals: Separating Myth and Fact

August 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drflenniken @ 7:06 pm
Woman smiling after learning facts about root canal therapy

Did you know that millions of root canals are performed each year? 15 million, to be exact! So, if you have a decayed, fractured, or otherwise damaged tooth that needs root canal therapy, you’re not alone. The good news is that this tooth-saving treatment isn’t anywhere near as scary as its reputation makes it out to be. So, if you’re feeling a bit apprehensive, keep reading to learn four facts about root canal therapy.


The Facts About Teeth Whitening Products (Should You Use Them?)

August 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drflenniken @ 9:06 pm
Smile before and after using teeth whitening products

If you’ve ever had to purchase oral care products before, you likely saw several teeth whitening products in the same aisle. If you have tooth stains, yellow or darkened teeth, or similar cosmetic imperfections, you may have considered purchasing these products to see if they can work for you. The fact of the matter is many of them make tall promises they can’t deliver on. Read on to learn the facts on what to avoid and how to actually whiten your smile (and keep it that way!)


Do I Have to Be in Pain to Receive a Root Canal?

June 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drflenniken @ 9:48 pm
Patient at the dentist receiving a root canal.

Your natural teeth are the best possible option when it comes to biting, chewing, talking and more; that said, modern dentistry often prioritizes a conservative approach, meaning that if it’s possible, your dentist will do everything they can to preserve your pearly whites. Root canal therapy is one treatment option that allows them to do this, and despite what you might’ve heard about this procedure, it’s actually one of the best possible methods of salvaging a compromised tooth. However, is it only used in dire and painful circumstances? Keep reading to learn more about root canal therapy and why you don’t always have to be in pain to receive it.


3 Reasons Seniors in Assisted Living Need Dental Care

May 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drflenniken @ 1:09 pm
senior in assisted living in Carlisle

Do you have a close relative who is in assisted living? Although they may be getting the help they need for a quality life, it’s also important that they receive preventive dental care. Certain oral issues like tooth decay and gum disease can lead to more serious conditions, such as infection and heart attacks if left untreated. Read on to learn three essential reasons why a dentist for seniors in assisted living is necessary for their overall health!


How Safe is Cosmetic Dentistry?

April 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drflenniken @ 8:30 am
Question mark made of toothpaste, next to fake tooth and toothbrush

Let’s say you’re considering getting cosmetic dental work done for the first time. Maybe those early Easter chocolates have finally caught up with you, or you’re thinking of fixing some smile issues you’ve had for a while. Whatever the case, there’s one question you’ll probably ask when making this decision: “Is cosmetic dentistry safe?”

Thankfully, the answer to this question is a resounding “Yes!” As proof, here are four common cosmetic dental treatments and why they’re safe for patients.

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