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Smarter School Lunch Choices for Better Oral Health

August 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drflenniken @ 2:30 pm
Children eating lunch in a school cafeteria.

It’s back to school time again, which means it’s time to get energized for the year ahead. But those early mornings, long days, and crazy evenings can take a toll on your child’s appetite, making meals an increasingly important key to powering through the day. But what they eat matters. Sure, a jolt of caffeine or a sugar rush can easily provide a boost to help get them through a slump, but what about the inevitable crash and the toll those foods will take on their oral health? If your kids are headed back to class this semester, here are some smart choices you can help them make for a body and oral health-friendly diet!

Smart Choices Start at Home

Do you pack lunch for your kids? If so, you have more power than you think when it comes to protecting their oral and overall health. When you provide a variety of healthy foods, you are not only deciding what your child can consume, but you are also teaching them how to make smart choices on their own when they’re ready to do so for themselves. Here are a few healthy options you can include in their lunchbox this year.

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Nuts and seeds (check your school’s policy on these before sending them)
  • Lean meats
  • Whole grain breads
  • Dairy products such as cheese or yogurt
  • A reusable water bottle

In the Lunch Line

School lunch has been a dietary staple across the country since 1910. If your family chooses to take advantage of this exceptional program, you may worry that your child might not make the “right” choices without you there to help. But the good news is that many districts are working harder than ever before to provide a variety of healthy options for your children. While what goes on their tray is ultimately up to them, you can still assist them by providing guidance about what kinds of foods to choose. Suggest that they avoid sugary drinks like sports drinks or juice, gummy snacks, pastries or sweets, and anything fried or heavy in carbohydrates. If they are allowed a treat, be sure to remind them to limit it to just one per day or week, and to make sure the rest of their meal offers a balance of healthy options.

After Meals

Once your child’s meals are over for the school day, encourage them to care for their teeth away from home. Send them to campus with an oral health care kit that includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss. This way they can keep their mouth clean and their breath fresh and prevent any cavities from forming while they’re away from home.

Furthermore, be sure that they’re brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day when they’re home, and don’t skip their semi-annual dental exam and cleaning appointments. These are vital for keeping their teeth clean and protecting them from cavities and gum disease, too.

Remember, back-to-school doesn’t have to mean bad choices. Help your child make smart dietary decisions this year by providing a wealth of nutritious options and help advise them about the kinds of foods they should avoid when they’re the ones calling the shots.

About Our Practice

Flenniken Family Dentistry is proud to offer patient-centered care. That means we want what’s best for you and your family. We’ll never try to push unnecessary treatments on you, and we’ll always tailor our services to best suit your individual needs.

To schedule an exam and cleaning for your child, please visit our website or call us today at 717-249-7777.

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